Purchasing Sugar

Swaziland Sugar Assocciation Purchasing Sugar

ESA is responsible for the marketing of all sugar produced in Eswatini. The sugar sales are handled by the Commercial Department of ESA, through the decisions made by the Marketing Executive Committee (MEC) of the industry, a subcommittee of the ESA Council.
Information on application for a sugar allocation can be obtained from the Customer Relations Officer. Due to limited sugar available for allocation, as most of the production is already allocated to existing customers, there is limited scope for new allocations. The industry is continuously looking at the optimal mix as well as striking the appropriate balance between improving the economies of scale for existing customers and introducing new customers into the system. As a matter of policy the local manufacturing sector receives first priority in any allocations, to support high-end local value addition in Eswatini and to ensure that they never have to stop production due to lack of sugar.


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